MCC Albany
Labels are an important part of a brand’s product and MCC Albany has developed a portfolio of stocks that are manufactured in an environmentally responsible manner and provide solutions to our clients’ needs for sustainable label options.
Our options include paper made from recycled materials and renewable materials and we have a range of paper options that are compostable and biodegradable.
MCC Albany has Forestry Stewardship Council® Chain of Custody Certification (FSC® COC Certification). We can pass on the qualifications of FSC® certified product (paper) from our supplier to our client.
Biodegradable and compostable labels:
It is important to note that the composting and biodegradability is at a larger industrial level rather than at consumer level, and the industrial options are not currently available within New Zealand.
However there are Commercial Composting plants in NZ. If you have a compostable package with a compostable label on it, the whole package can be composted if it’s sent to one of these companies.
Find the nearest one to you here.
Recycling Process:
Label Recycling
New technologies now offer solutions to label recycling:
Wash-off label technology which is suitable for returnable glass bottles. This Wash-off facestock ensures that both the adhesive and inks remain on the label as the label curls off the glass in a hot washer.
Glass Recycling switchable adhesive allows post-consumer recycling to be less challenging. This technology uses a unique ‘switchable’ adhesive that ‘switches off’ during the glass bottle recycling process, resulting in a clean separation of the label from the glass.
Liner Recycling
Read more about our Liner Recycling Solution here.
Would you like to know more about how we minimise the impact of our operations? Read more about how we manage our waste.